ADIPOSE Study: Assessing Awareness of Fatty Liver Disease

ADIPOSE Study: Assessing Awareness of Fatty Liver Disease

ADIPOSE Study: Assessing Awareness of Fatty Liver Disease

The ADIPOSE study is an online survey that researchers at the University of Dundee are running. It aims to help researchers understand how aware people in Scotland are of fatty liver disease – including people with other health conditions and people with no other health conditions. This information will be important to help researchers assess the public’s understanding of liver disease and inform future liver research and public health strategies.

They need 1,200 people to complete the survey. As a thank you for taking part - participants can choose to be entered into a draw for one of several £100 high-street vouchers. The survey should take a maximum of fifteen minutes to complete, and can be completed on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone.

Participation is fully anonymous (meaning no data that can identify you will be kept) and of course, you don't have to take part if you don't want to.

What’s involved?
You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. You will be asked questions about yourself such as the area you live, your occupation, age and some questions about your medical history such as weight, height and whether you have been diagnosed with other health conditions.

Following this you will be presented with the awareness survey, which consists of 14 questions that aim to assess your understanding of fatty liver disease, how it is treated, and certain associated illnesses. 

To be suitable you need to be age 18 or over and living in Scotland with access to the internet.

If you would like to take part in this study, please get in touch with the SHARE Studies Team by telephone on 01382 383235 or email at [email protected] and we can tell you more about the study.

If this study is not currently available in your health board area or is not suitable for you, please sign up for SHARE so we can contact you about other relevant studies in the future Register now.


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It only takes a minute to join. Together we can make a difference to Scotland's future health.