SHARE Application Forms
How To Apply - Free Feasibility Application
You may require some information about potential numbers of participants/samples in SHARE prior to completing a full application. There is a form for studies requiring participants and a Biobank/Data feasibility form if samples and/or data is required.
Please ensure you complete the form as fully as possible and we will arrange a search of the database and provide you with participant/data/sample availability, usually within 5 working days. No charge is incurred for a Feasibility check. Please sign and date the form, and return to

How To Apply - Full Application
Please complete the relevant form (for participants or for Biobank/Data) as fully as possible.
Required documents to accompany your application: Please include NHS R&D approval for each relevant health board, Protocol, Ethics Approval and Patient Information Leaflet. Please also include SHARE as a source of recruitment in your Protocol.
Biobank studies do not require ethics approval as SHARE has delegated ethics approval for these types of study

Please note that SHARE must get acknowledgement in any publications and the standard recommended text is:
“Recruitment to this study was facilitated by SHARE – the Scottish Health Research Register and Biobank. SHARE is supported by NHS Research Scotland, Universities in Scotland and the Chief Scientist Office.”
Please also cite reference: McKinstry B, et al. Cohort profile: the Scottish Research Register SHARE. A register of people interested in research participation linked to NHS data sets. BMJ Open 2017;7: e013351.