
Opportunity to Join the Chief Scientist Office Public Engagement Group
The Chief Scientist Office is looking to recruit new members to their public engagement group (PEG). The main role of the group is to provide a lay perspective on the activities of CSO and ensure the public view is taken into account in relevant policy and funding issues.
The group currently meets virtually, 2-3 times per year for group information events. In addition, Members are normally appointed by the Chief Scientist to one of the various CSO Committees and Groups. Members attend these Committees to provide a lay perspective and to ensure that the outcomes of discussions are transparent and fair.
If you are interested in joining the CSO Public Engagement Group please go to the CSO website for more details.
SHARE partners and supporters
SHARE is part of NHS Research Scotland and funded by the Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government. We work in close partnership with researchers across Scotland including those based in Scotland’s Medical Schools, with academic partners including the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Highlands & Islands, St Andrews and Stirling.