Researchers Support SHARE during Dundee Science Festival

Researchers Support SHARE during Dundee Science Festival

Researchers Support SHARE during Dundee Science Festival

SHARE was involved in the Dundee Science Festival, held at the Dundee Science Centre, in October.

Francesca and Eva, developmental researchers based at St. Andrews University signing up to SHARE.

SHARE representatives got involved in the Dundee Science Festival, held at the Dundee Science Centre, which took place throughout the City in October. The event hosted over 400 people and encompassed a wide variety of science-based learning activities for all ages to enjoy.

Francesca and Eva, two fellow participants at the Dundee Science Festival and developmental researchers at St. Andrews University, joined the SHARE register. If you would like to help shape future health of the nation by becoming involved in medical research, please register for SHARE now. www.registerforshare.org


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